
Blister packing

Extra care is necessary when taking several different medicines. This is particularly true for patients with visual or cognitive impairment.

Blister packs make it simple and easy to take the right medicines at the right time by dividing your tablets into separately sectioned blisters, each marked with the time of day when the tablets should be taken.

This can improve your medication adherence and reduce errors. Caregivers can also easily check that the right medicines have been taken in a timely manner.

Blister packs can help if you are

  • Struggling to organise medicines.

  • Finding it difficult to remember when to take your medicines.

  • Helping to look after someone else.

  • Recently home from hospital and suddenly have a lot more tablets to take.

  • Looking after someone who is visually impaired.

  • On a complex medication regime.

Blood Pressure Monitoring

We provide a Blood Pressure service in-store. Hypertension is the foremost risk factor for cardiovascular events globally and affects around a third of adults. High blood pressure can affect people of all ages but does not always have symptoms. Untreated, high blood pressure may lead to conditions like heart disease or a stroke. For convenience and proximity reasons, community pharmacies play an increasingly important role in hypertension screening and monitoring.

Smoking Cessation

Every year in Ireland, nearly 6,000 people die because of smoking with many more suffering from smoking related diseases. The HSE estimates that 1,000 people are admitted to hospital every week with an illness caused by smoking.

In our pharmacy, we help smokers break nicotine addiction by recommending Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT). NRT comes in many different forms including patches and gums. It is important that the right option is chosen to suit individual needs.

Evidence has shown that if a smoker participates in a smoking cessation service that combines advice, support, and Nicotine Replacement Therapy that the smoker is 4 times more likely to quit compared to using willpower alone.

Emergency Contraception

Emergency Hormonal Contraception (morning after pill) can be used to prevent unplanned pregnancy. An unplanned pregnancy could occur due to mishaps with contraceptives, a missed pill, incorrect timing of patch or vaginal ring application. Emergency contraception is not suitable as a regular method of contraception and it does not prevent pregnancy in every woman. It can be used by women of all ages to prevent unplanned pregnancy. Emergency contraception is most effective if taken as soon as possible after unprotected sex. However, if you are already pregnant, emergency contraceptive pills will not work. Medical card holders can get emergency contraception directly from a pharmacy, free of charge, without having to go to their GP for a prescription. Emergency contraception does not provide protection from sexually transmitted infections. The pill will be supplied following a consultation with our pharmacist. To save time when you visit the pharmacy you can complete our online consultation form in advance by clicking here:  

Free Delivery

We offer a free delivery service for prescription medication twice weekly.

We cover all along Cois Fharraige and most of Connemara.

Get in touch with us to see if we cover your area.

Click here to book your delivery slot.

Medication Usage Review

Our Medication Usage Review is a pre-booked consultation to discuss your medicines (prescribed and non-prescribed). The review helps increase your knowledge and understanding of your medicines, including how and why the medicines should be taken.

Our aim is to improve outcomes by helping you to better understand your health conditions and the medications used to manage them.

The review also provides an opportunity to highlight any issues, side effects or other medication-related problems and propose solutions if appropriate.

This review can be especially helpful for people who are older, have several chronic conditions, take multiple medications, have been using a specific medication over a longer period or are seen by multiple doctors.

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